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We are creating Gamemania Web and Gamemania App to help gamers manage their all PC games in one platform

Project duration:

3 months

The problem:

Gamers open different platforms to check prices and play games and see their libraries

The goal:

Users won’t need to use different platforms to see their game library to buy a game or manage the download queue 

My role:

UI/UX Designer


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

Understanding the user

User Research: Summary

We conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users. We are designing for their needs. A primary user group identified through research was gamers. 

User Research: Pain Points

User Research: Pain Points


 Gamers use different platforms to download their games and forget which game is where.


​The same game may be in different platforms and it is hard to find the cheapest one among them.


Users buy games in different platforms and can’t see all of the games in one platform so they may buy the say game several times.

User Persona

To bring my potential users to life, I identified the user persona, Alexa Cooper. My persona helped me guide design decisions and develop empathy for potential users.

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Created by Sezer Ozer

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